When Big C comes calling, priorities become real clear, real fast.
Dress codes, bank accounts, fancy cars no longer mean squat.
Only thing that matters is getting healthy, and kicking cancer’s ass. Talk about your new normal.
I’ve run into too many people these days being visited by Big C. Breast cancer, lung cancer, lymphoma. Doesn’t matter what they call it.
Always brings more questions than answers.
I had a cancer stricken client come in and talk with me. Wasn’t sure if my simplistic approach and one minute wingman practices were up to the task. So I decided to take a drive up to see a man I consider a guru, and a mentor, Dr. Bernie Siegel. Bernie was one of the first physicians, back in the late 70’s, to speak of patient empowerment, self healing, and the choice to live fully and die in peace. His first book, ‘Love, Medicine & Miracles’ back in 1986 flaunted his disagreement with mainstream medicine. He advised love as a path to healing. Sounds crazy enough now, imagine what they thought back then. But when you don’t feel traditional methods are working, crazy becomes ingenious.
So as we’re taking a walk with his two dogs around his neighborhood, I say, “Bernie, I’m worried my one minute wingman practices aren’t really the answer for clients with cancer.” His answer emboldened me. He said, “you never know what bringing positive energy into your life can do”.
My thoughts exactly.
I’ve said for years bringing more positive energy into any situation can only help, I just didn’t want to give false hope.
But then I thought, who gives a f**k if it’s false hope. And how can that even be. When cancer stains your doorway, hope is all you have. And if it’s true, that what you think about you bring about, then my bringing hope into the cancerous muck, should bring more to hope for.
And that’s my job. To help my client’s change their vibration, because when you can change your vibration, you can certainly change your situation. Helping businesses increase profits, hell, that’s a cakewalk compared to helping people heal. I’ve seen and heard too many stories about not having hope, and I’ve seen first hand how they end, and it’s not pretty. Those with hope, the experience is always better. I think it has something to do with feeling a little better, helps you feel even better. An object in motion stays in motion.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked with Bernie and heard the same stories of miracle recoveries from people fighting back with just attitude, laughter, and a bit of hope.
So back I came, ready to coach my cancer stricken client, and be the best wingman I could be. And as we sat down, I began the same way I begin many meetings, by raising the vibration by asking of any recent successes.
She answered, “This could be the best thing that ever happened to me.”
Greatest session I could ever imagine.
Think you’ve got problems, think again. And then join me in doing today’s practice. For one minute, think of your situation, and say to yourself, “This could be the best thing that ever happened to me”. And start allowing it to be.
To Making It The Best,
Btw… last class on inner team building was at capacity. Please let me, or The Center, know if you plan on being there on Feb 16. Maybe we can set up in a different location rather then start a wait list. Sooner the better, thanks.
Team Building 101
Build Your Inner Team to achieve more successful outcomes.
Your team consists of your…
The agenda for this class will be manifesting, and how to achieve our ambitions using our thoughts, emotions and actions.
Please come prepared with…
A. A notebook and pen to write with.
B. One specific, measurable and achievable goal. Examples:
1. To lose 15 pounds by May 31, 2015, instead of “to lose some weight”.
2. To increase my business by 20% this year, instead of “to do more business”.
3. To meditate 5 days a week, instead of “to feel more at peace”.
“With a Great Team Anything is Possible”. Michael Gross
When: Monday, February 16, 2015 @ 6:30- 8:00 pm
Where: The Center, Life in Balance, 43 South Main Street, Medford, NJ 08055
Cost: $20
Register: Phone: 609-975-8379 or Email:
Please include your name & phone #.
Michael Gross will instruct the class. He is a Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach who has coached hospitals, municipalities, businesses, Miss New Jersey and other individuals to better realize their objectives. Michael can be heard as co-host of the ‘Talk-N-Angels’ radio show Wednesday evenings 7-8 pm at www.talknangels.com.