Remember learning your ABC’s? How hard they seemed and how simple they became. Simple as ABC…
And how once you learned them, the world opened up.

I wasn’t the best student, but I had a great big brother and sister, and they helped me by making up little games so I could remember each letter.

Discovering how to attract positive energy is exactly the same, only better. It may appear difficult, but once you master it, the world, and all you desire, reveals itself.

And my wingman practices are like little games to help you flourish.

Only one minute each day of consciously practicing positivity, and you’ll become unconsciously competent at surrounding yourself with positive energy.
Simple as ABC…And success always follows positive energy. Always.

Therefore, the first step to achieving any goal is to increase your
positive energy.

So here’s a simple game to play for the next minute that is guaranteed to do just that.

Here’s how you play. For each letter, starting with “A”, and going through to “Z”, think of something that you love, that you appreciate, or that brings a smile to your face.

By the time you finish, you should be feeling pretty good.
And that, my friend, is how you raise your vibration.

It’s as easy as ABC…

To Keeping it Simple,


PS… You can practice with me every morning, either on Facebook, at Be Your Own Wingman, on Twitter, @wingmanmichael, or on YouTube, at beyourownwingman.