This Monday night, improve your power to manifest.

Do you have a goal? Then be there Monday night and let’s get you started on the path to achieving it.Practice This Monday, 9/21 @ 6:30 PM

I’m still amazed how easy it is when I get myself, and all my years of built up resistance, out of the way. You will be too.

To Your Success,

Build Your Inner TEAM
Thoughts, Emotions, Actions & Manifestations

Agenda: The Wingman formula for manifesting any goal is simple.

1. Raise Your Energy.
2. Set Your Intention.
3. Achieve a vibrational match with your desire.

What goal would you like to accomplish? Just follow the simple formula.

1. Raise your energy: We will do different wingman mental exercises to increase our positive energy. When you feel better, you set better ambitions for yourself.

2. Set Your Intentions: We will do specific practices to help you define your desire.

3. Achieve a vibrational match. Stop sabotaging yourself by eliminating the resistance coming from your subconscious. We will work with different brain trainings from Neuroscience and Applied Behavioral Analysis.

“With a Great Team Anything is Possible”. Michael Gross

When: Monday, September 21, 2015, 6:30 – 8:00 pm

Where: The Center, Life in Balance, 43 South
Main Street, Medford, NJ 08055

Cost: $20

Register: Phone: 609-975-8379
Please include your name & phone #.