Recent Posts
Homeless Once Again.
It was 25+ years ago. I was in the investment world, literally one week from earning a giant paycheck. Instead I got broke. And I got broken. The details aren't important, although they sure seemed to be then. I was crushed. And it went down from there. I ended up...
So you're riding the wave of higher frequencies. Enjoying everything coming your way. The challenges, the successes, even the lessons learned. You notice you're smiling more. You're feeling, "You da man, Billy Tan" a whole lot more. You're on a roll, in the "zone"...
More Proof to Practice, from the NY Times
Great article in the New York Times about how choosing to be grateful will make you happier. Just in time for Thanksgiving... Have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled...
The Perfect Thanksgiving.
Imagine a perfect Thanksgiving... Now bring your family into it. If those two don't match up, join us for a workshop, "A Wingman One-Minute Thanksgiving Plan" and make this a most enjoyable holiday season. The Wingman One-Minute Thanksgiving Plan Do at least one thing...
“I Am Enough”.
I watched this wonderful video yesterday and was both amazed and surprised as it kept my attention for all 43 minutes. Check it out here... As for the Wingman Home Course, we'll be starting it on Friday, 11/13. Sign up now,...
The Wingman Home Course.
The Wingman Home Course, guaranteed to increase your positive energy. I've developed an 8 week email course which I'm certain will help you bring more positive outcomes into your life. I recently ran a pilot program with one client, Phil, which was extremely...
Wing Dog Down
We had to put Monte to sleep today. The Vet came out on Monday and said, “It’s a hard decision but it’s what’s best for him”. It wasn’t a hard decision at all. Monte led a long and wonderful life. He was 17. It was time. His love helped bring two families together...
My Buddy Coop.
My Buddy Coop died on Tuesday. He was a longtime friend who would always introduce me as, "Grossy, from the card game". It was a name I wore with love and pride. In a lifetime of memories, the card game is one I'd like to share. It started back when we were kids,...
How’s Your Corn?
Once upon a time there was a farmer who grew award-winning corn. Each year he entered his corn in the state fair where it won a blue ribbon. One year a newspaper sent a reporter to interview him and learned something fascinating about how he grew such award winning...
Practice This Monday, 9/21 @ 6:30 PM
This Monday night, improve your power to manifest. Do you have a goal? Then be there Monday night and let's get you started on the path to achieving it. I'm still amazed how easy it is when I get myself, and all my years of built up resistance, out of the way. You...
Thailand, a High Vibration Move.
It all started with a practice. When we decided to sell our house, it was more about downsizing. Downsizing the mortgage, downsizing the space, and downsizing the upkeep that comes with a big old house. But then it sold so rapidly and we hadn't yet come up with a...
It’s Trash Day!
If you're looking for normal household items such as glasses, snow shovels, dishes, garden hose, hammers, nails, brooms and a whole lot more, I'm your guy. Lots of women's clothing too. You got it... its TRASH DAY. Stop by this weekend, wish me a happy 60th birthday...