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Under a Bridge-Dawn of a New Day

It doesn't matter if you find yourself waking up under a bridge. It's the dawn of a new day. A perfect time to set the tone for the day. This picture was taken this morning, right after practice. Today's Practice: One minute saying "Set the Tone" or "Setting the...

The Dawn of a New Day

The other day, as I was out on my morning walk, this beautiful scene greeted me. Upon seeing it, the words, "It's the dawn of a new day" slipped from my tongue. It immediately became my 'inner team' building exercise, you know, a thought, emotion, action or...

Yard Sale Tomorrow, Saturday, 8/8

Our house sold quickly and we have to get out soon... so we're having a big yard sale tomorrow, Saturday 8/8. Stop by (bring donuts) and say hi and have a look. We have tons of furniture, tools, kitchen and household items, and many positive energy pieces looking for...

Happy Days Are Here Again

It started with my son and I, in the car for a long day of driving. We were taking some furniture from my house in South Jersey to his apartment in New York City and then back again. We were sitting just inside the Lincoln Tunnel when our stress level was about to...

Vice President, Positive Energy

In the future, every company will have a Vice President of Positive Energy. The larger ones will have many. People will wonder how a company flourished without one. “What did you do when someone came in with a negative attitude, how did you stop it from permeating and...

Thank You Brandon Boykin

The lead article on the back of Wednesday’s Daily News was about Philadelphia Eagle, Brandon Boykin. It begins, “Brandon Boykin doesn’t want your pity.  So, a broken leg dropped him from the first round to the fourth round and cost him $5 million dollars? ‘It might be...

“Bidding War”

"It's amazing", Jan said to me the other day, "all I see are houses with 'Sold', or 'Under Contract' in front of them. I wonder how they did it?" "That's funny", I replied, "I only see houses with 'For Sale' in front of them". It's just what happens when you put your...

House for Sale

Janet and I are settling into our new normal since we put our house up for sale 2 weeks ago. New normal? Most certainly! As anyone who has ever sold a house they were living in knows, there's a new normal. In setting our intention to attract the perfect buyer, part of...


In Malcolm Gladwell's fascinating book, "Blink", he talks of an experiment where students watched college professors teaching a class for only 2 seconds. No audio, only video. They were then asked to rate the effectiveness of those teachers. Their ratings were then...

Single Women: Be Your Own Wingman Workshop

Do you keep dating the same type of man? Do you keep repeating the same relationship mistakes? Would you like to feel more confident, more empowered, and better prepared to attract a man of a higher caliber. I'm happy to be offering this workshop in Providence, RI and...

Gentle Reminder, Monday 5/18/15

It can be this simple. From last month's class on exploring happiness, I continue to hear, see and feel surprising victories. It shouldn't be so surprising though. I mean, science tells us the happier we are the more successful our relationships, work life, health,...

An Email about Sense of Lack…

A client emailed me a question the other day about having more success at work and I thought the answer might better help you reach your goals. Hi Michael, I've read a lot that you can't attract a desire if it is rooted in a sense of lack. I'm worried this may be...