Improving healing rates at hospitals.
Now that’s something we can all get behind, right?
Recently, I found myself at 2 different hospitals, in 2 different boardrooms, meeting with a variety of different directors from each.
Both meetings however, centered around the same topic, different ways to improve healing rates at their hospital.
It was both exciting, and an honor, to have my work be considered.
Because healing is what it’s all about, be it rehabbing from an accident or from an ongoing disease, if there’s one thing I’ve learned from my walks with Dr. Bernie Siegel, it’s that it pays to listen to people who have overcome the odds.
What came from these discussions is OPEP, Our Positive Energy Project.
Realizing this works in so many ways, and not just for hospital staffs, I thought you might like to try it as well.
Tonight at 7 pm, I will be hosting the TalknAngels Radio show (Rita’s off) and discussing OPEP, and how you can be a part of it. To listen, click here,, scroll down and click listen live to the show.
Bottom line, by continuing to find the best ways to improve healing rates for the truly sick among us, think what we can do towards prevention, and keeping the healthy, healthy. One thing I’m certain of, bringing positive energy into the situation can only help.
How can you take part? Simple, here’s your homework. Each day, spend one minute a day for the next 7 days, consciously practicing being positive. The homework, is to not only do it, but to email me how you feel after doing it, for this will help you move your mind in a more positive direction.
Simple right, just email me how you feel each day, after doing your one-minute wingman workout?
For this week’s exercise, we’re going to go back to basics, and simply say “thank you”, either out loud or quietly to yourself, for exactly 60 seconds. While saying it, I want you to think of different things you’re thankful for. Try and come up with as many things you can be thankful for in one minute. You can say, “Thank you for ____________”, or just say “thank you”. And to make it even easier, you can use the same things you’re thankful for today, each day, although it helps to try and expand your list.
The beautiful thing about it, is neuroscience will tell you it doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, just say it, and your mind will start wrapping itself around it. Just make sure to say ‘thank you’ for one minute, and email me how it feels.
You’re now a part of OPEP, Our Positive Energy Project.
See what happens to your life and/or business in the next seven days, and I’ll send out a new practice next week.
Keep on practicing being positive, and have a great day,
Alright Michael, I’m in. I have been struggling with my new career (in the healthcare field, although not hands on with patients) and I think a daily peptalk can only help.I practice staying fit, I practice learning new facts and techniques…it’s time to practice being positive.
Hi Karen, Hope you’ve been staying with the practices. I find when I do, I do better at staying fit and learning new facts and techniques. It’s been a wonderful learning experience.
Great job. Glad to have you with me. Been getting some great email responses. Amazing what just one minute of saying ‘thank you’ can spark such wonderful energy. After you’ve done it, let me know how it feels. Enjoy…
Hey Mike – I just got a chance to read this post and let me congratulate you! And your “thank you” practice is one of the simplest but most effective practices out there. It’s so simple that nobody really has an excuse not to at least try it. To throw in an old phrase I first heard many years ago: “What you thank about you bring about”. Blessings to you and all!
Thanks Colleen, I’m a big believer in keeping things simple, and one minute practices are as simple as it gets. Let’s keep thinking about, and bringing about, all the best.