I watched this wonderful video yesterday and was both amazed and surprised as it kept my attention for all 43 minutes.“I Am Enough”.

Check it out here… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJ4ykAICJPU.

As for the Wingman Home Course, we’ll be starting it on Friday, 11/13.

Sign up now, and together we will go from consciously practicing being positive, to being unconsciously competent at seeing positives in just 8 weeks.

You’ll be amazed at what that will do for your work, relationships, health and well-being. It’s guaranteed to bring you much success and happiness as we wind down 2015 and begin 2016.

The details are as follows…

1. Daily email: Each day, you will receive an email from me containing a practice. Each practice will take between 2 minutes and 15 minutes to complete. When done, you will email me a brief thought or feeling about the exercise. This will help me understand where you are on the emotional scale and to better customize practices.

2. You’ll agree to complete each assignment each day.

3. The cost is $100 for the eight weeks.

“I Am Enough”.Have a great day, and remember… you are enough,
