Isn’t it amazing how the same ideas you’re working on arrive in your in-box at the exact time you’re looking for them.  Of course they do.  Coincidence? , I think not.  Not when you get your energy flowing in a positive way.

Yesterday afternoon, I had a couple hours between coaching sessions and decided to do a little extra prep work for next Monday night’s “Manifesting by Building Your Inner Team” class.

As I turned on my computer, I saw a blog from Kris Carr, the “Crazy Sexy Cancer” lady and one of my wife’s personal favorite bloggers (I’m like 12th on the list but moving up) on manifesting.

Check it out here…

Coincidence? I think not.

If you have a goal you want to achieve, be it business or personal, write it down, bring it with you to the class on Monday night (see below) and get ready to achieve it using your inner team.  The positive energy in that room will be a fantastic kick-start to your success.

Looking forward to seeing you on Monday.

To Remaining Stubbornly Positive,

Team Building 101


Build Your Inner Team to achieve more successful outcomes. Your team consists of your…


The agenda for this class will be manifesting, and how to achieve our ambitions using our thoughts, emotions and actions.

Please come prepared with…

1.  A notebook and pen to write with.
2.  One specific, measurable and achievable goal.

A.  To lose 15 pounds by May 31, 2015, instead of “to lose some weight”.
B.  To increase my business by 20% this year, instead of “to do more business”.
C.  To meditate 5 days a week, instead of “to feel more at peace”.

 “With a Great Team Anything is Possible”.   Michael Gross

When:   Monday, February 16, 2015 @ 6:30- 8:00 pm
Where:  The Center, Life in Balance, 43 South Main Street, Medford, NJ 08055
Cost:     $20
Register:  Phone: 609-975-8379 or email: Please include your name & phone #.

Michael Gross will instruct the class. He is a Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach who has coached hospitals, municipalities, businesses, Miss New Jersey and other individuals to better realize their objectives.  Michael can be heard as co-host of the ‘Talk-N-Angels’ radio show Wednesday evenings 7-8 pm at