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The Wingman’s Path

Missing the Moment…

“Either define the moment, or the moment will define you.”  
                                                             Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman

Missing the moment… or learning the lesson.

I had an opportunity for a powerful moment last week.
Got a ‘B’. Should of gotten an ‘A+’. 

I missed the moment.
Looking back, I should of done so much more. I can’t get it out of my mind.
I’m ‘shoulding’ all over myself.
It was a great moment.
I missed it.

Been thinking about it all morning.
Focusing on it so much I start cursing myself.
It’s killing me.

An object in motion stays in motion. And my motion ‘ain’t’ good.

Fortunately (unfortunately), I’ve had this feeling before.
I’ve ‘learned ‘ this lesson before.
Different situation, same sucky feeling.

Used to ask, “why?” Would say (mostly sarcastically),
“Thank you God, thank you for this lesson once again.”

Now I say, “Thank you for this lesson, I’ll learn it well”.

And I think about the lesson.

What am I to learn? Is there something I could of done better?

And then I play my game, ‘Find the Positives’.
It’s great I was able to have the opportunity.
I learned a valuable lesson.
I’m now better prepared.
I’ll do much better next time.
Thank you for this lesson.
I’m much clearer now.
If I attracted this opportunity, I can attract more of them.
I’m getting so much better at this.
I’m so glad I learned this lesson now.
What a great learning experience.
I can do this.
I was made for this.
I’ve got this.
This could be the best thing that ever happens to me.
Did you ‘miss the moment’ recently.
Are you having a problem letting it go?

It could be the best thing that ever happened to you.

Try today’s practice, “Find the Positives”.

Take 60 seconds and come up with as many positives as you can think of in your situation. Watch it change your energy.

And have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend,


P.S. Don’t forget next Thursday’s Wingman Workout.
It’s a great way to kick off your best summer ever.
Wingman Workout

When: Thursday, May 29th, 7:00-8:30 pm

Where: NJBalance Wellness Center
43 S. Main Street
Medford, NJ 08055

Cost: $20

Register: Phone: 609-975-8378
Please include your name & phone #.



Two Lucky Guys.

BlogI was called to action the other day and was needed to pick my young friend Mario up from his afterschool activities as his mom worked late. As it was Wednesday night, I brought him with me for my weekly spot as co-host on the Talk-N-Angels radio show.
It’s often a time I do some wingman practices, so I asked Mario if he wanted to do one of my practices with me.
Mario:          “Yes, what do we do”?
Me:                “We go back and forth saying to each other, “I am a lucky guy”.
Mario:           “Ok. I’ll start. I am a lucky guy”.
Me:                “I am a lucky guy”.
Mario:           “I am a lucky guy”.
Me:               “I am a lucky guy”.
Mario:           “I’m a really lucky guy”.
Me:                “I’m a really lucky guy”.
Mario:           “I’m a super lucky guy”.
Me:                “I’m a super lucky guy”.
Both of us:    “We’re really lucky guys”.
Both of us:    “We’re really lucky guys”.
Just then, I noticed the soft pretzel place was still open and veered my car into the shopping center. I always love a good soft pretzel.
Mario liked the idea as well.
I explained the pretzel place is normally closed when I drive by because they close at 6 pm and I usually pass here just after.
Today, it was 5:58.
“That’s lucky”, Mario said, referring to the fact they were still open.
“Your practice really works. Let’s see if we can get more lucky.”
Smiling, I agreed, “Yes, let’s see if we can get more lucky”.
As we were putting on mustard (spicy brown for me), a woman at the table dropped about a $1.00 in change.
Mario picked it up to give back to her. She told him to keep it.
He looked at me with a giant smile.
We’re two lucky guys.
Today’s Practice: I urge you to take one minute right now, yes right now, and say out loud or to yourself, I am lucky, I am really lucky, I am super lucky.
And start seeing if you can get more lucky.
To Your Fantastic Luck,

Your Best Summer. Ever.

Imagine Your Best Summer.  Ever.
I find it much easier to do, the better I feel.
I know when I feel better, my imagination is much clearer.  
And more fun.
It’s also when I do my best work and attract more positive energy.

Looking into the water yesterday morning.

“When I feel good about myself, things start happening for myself.
  When you look up, you go up”.      Herschel Walker

Herschel at 48.

My way to feel better is simple.  A one-minute Wingman Workout.
It helps me practice conditioning my mind to be upbeat and confident.
To coach myself up. 
Bottom line, it helps my ‘vibe’.
Even better, is when we get together for a group Wingman Workout.
Our connection, no surprise, makes it much easier for each of us 
to experience that exhilaration, and provide a spark to all of us.
This Mother’s Day, give something of value.
Give some positive energy. 
To Your best summer ever,
Join me for A Wingman Workout.
A Wingman Workout is a non-physical experience, designed to raise your vibration.
Feeling down or feeling great, a Wingman Workout will provide a spark of positive energy, helping elevate you to a higher level.

One week after participating in a Wingman Workout, over 90% of respondents report a higher level of emotional satisfaction, productivity, calmness and confidence.
More impressive is that 100% of repeat participants and those that continued practicing have reported more energy with more confidence in setting and achieving their goals.

Why is it working for so many?
It’s simple really, by saying high vibration words over and over; you surround yourself with more positive energy.

Neuroscience states it differently…
‘With nothing more than mental training the brain can be rewired…’

Start your summer practicing being more positive.
It could be your best summer ever.

                When: Thursday, May 29th, 7:00-8:30 pm

                Where: NJBalance Wellness Center
                              43 S. Main Street
                             Medford, NJ 08055
Cost: $20

Register: Phone: 609-975-8378
Please include your name & phone #.

Michael Gross will instruct the workout. He is a Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach and creator of the Wingman Workout.
Michael can be heard as:
Host of ‘Condition Your mind to be Positive’, Thursdays @ 11-11:30 am and
Co-Host of the ‘Talk-N-Angels’ radio show Wednesday evenings @ 7-8 pm.


A Blessed Evening


What an inspiring night at Eleven One Art Gallery in Camden, N.J. last week.  It was the unveiling of William Butler’s original artwork, “Oneness”.  William and Ronja Butler have come to Camden via Des Moines, Iowa, to utilize their creative talents as part of the change revolution going on in Camden.  William’s piece will now be transformed into stained glass windows in the chapel of the new Kroc Community Center in Camden, NJ.

This unbelievable project is helping to add to the positive energy swirling around Camden these days.

Yes, you read correctly, Camden, NJ.
The same town Matt Taibbi, in Rolling Stone magazine a few months back, called America’s most desperate town.
And I quote, “The first thing you notice about Camden, New Jersey, is that pretty much everyone you talk to has just gotten his or her ass kicked”.

Well, if there’s one thing I’ve learned from getting my ass kicked on a few different occasions, is it only takes one small spark of positive energy to get me moving in a better direction.


And the Kroc Center, run by The Salvation Army, is bringing a whole lot more then that.


The Kroc Center will be a 120,000-square foot facility. It will include a full size gymnasium, an indoor competition pool and water park, black box theater, community gathering plaza, media center, learning center, culinary arts teaching kitchen, choice food pantry, early childhood education center, teen center, senior center, athletic fields, health clinic and more. All programs will be inclusive to community members without discrimination.

Talk about a game changer, this project will impact not only the families of Camden, but all of South Jersey.  
I don’t have to tell you what a thriving community center can do to improve the health, education and confidence of it’s people.  

As a friend of mine, the CEO of a major non-profit in Camden said to me when discussing this latest rebirth of Camden, “It feels different, this time”.

I’m a big believer in feeling. Whether it’s finding just a little bit of relief, or expanding your greatest dreams, my Wingman Workout is all about feeling more positive, more hopeful and more confident.  Have you noticed how when you feel better, you set better goals for yourself, you’re more productive and it’s easier to keep that good feeling going.  

Let’s all help this revolution, and like William’s painting, “Oneness”, collectively join together for a one minute practice by visualizing Camden growing safer and more productive. 

Like in those old movies, when some people are stranded, fighting off the bad guys, praying for relief.
And the cavalry comes.
Well, in Camden, NJ, the cavalry’s arrived.  

Check it out here, @ http://www.use.salvationarmy.org/use/www_use_camdenkroc.nsf/vw-dynamic-index/B5711F0C1FD7A5F6802572E40047D1EF?openDocument

Appreciate it.
Have a great weekend,


Swat Team Protocol

I did a mini Wingman Workout for the department heads of a municipality last week.  They had heard how it was helping different businesses increase teamwork, sales and profits.  They brought me in to see if my brand of positivity could help improve safety, lower insurance claims and increase productivity.  


As I left, after finishing my presentation, you can imagine my surprise in finding the Chief of Police waiting for me outside (without a warrant, thankfully).  Turns out, he liked what I had to say.

He explained that when he was a member of a SWAT team they would always do positive self-talk immediately before taking action.

“I can do this.”
“I know how to handle a gun.”
“I am calm.”
“I’m the best man for this job.”
“I’m part of a great team.”
Etc., etc… 

Our conversation was brief as he had to go back into the meeting.
However, as he did, he asked,

       “Do you know how much one wrong shooting costs our taxpayers?”

I didn’t.  I do now.

Turns out that cost can get well into the millions.  
There’s even something called “Suicide by Cop”, which is a method in which a suicidal individual deliberately acts in a threatening way, provoking a lethal response from a police officer.

Can you imagine the ‘cool’ these officers have to maintain?  

If they can, we can too.  We just need a little practice.

So whether you’re a police officer facing a life or death situation, a businessman trying to grow your business, or a parent dealing with a teenager, a little positive self talk, or what I call my ‘Wingman Workout” can be a big help.  One practice I’ve found that works well in that situation is to just say to myself for one minute,

“When I’m calm I make good decisions, when I’m calm I make good decisions”.

It’s easy.  Try it for one minute and see how it feels.

Here’s to good decisions made calmly,

Thursday. Bernie, Colleen St. Michael and Me.

Very excited about this Thursday’s, ‘Condition Your Mind to be Positive’ radio show at 11am.


Imagine my surprise a few weeks back.  I was speaking with Colleen, who hosts the ‘Heightened and Enlightened’ show immediately before mine, when she mentioned, “at 15 I was dating a boy who had cancer.  Dr. Bernie’s book changed my life”.

If you’ve been reading me for any time now, you know of my relationship with Dr. Bernie Siegel, surgeon, best selling author and spiritual guru. 

Bottom line is… He’s been a valued teacher and wingman to yours truly. 

Please listen in as we discuss life, and the impact Bernie’s inspirational, best selling book, ‘Love, Medicine and Miracles’ had on a 15 year old Colleen.

To listen click here…

                                     You will have to set up a user name and password. 

Next Wingman Workout this Sunday, 3/23, 1pm.
Click here for more info… https://thewingmanspath.com/curriculum/

Still Practicing,

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