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The Wingman’s Path

“Bidding War”

“It’s amazing”, Jan said to me the other day, “all I see are houses with ‘Sold’, or ‘Under Contract’ in front of them. I wonder how they did it?”

“That’s funny”, I replied, “I only see houses with ‘For Sale’ in front of them”.

It’s just what happens when you put your house up for sale.Blog

Just then I noticed the sign on our neighbor’s house had gone from ‘For Sale’, to ‘Under Contract”.

I rushed over to hear the details.

Turns out, she not only sold it quickly, but there was a bidding war to boot!

“Bidding war”, the words brought me a smile.

I went home and told Jan, “We’re not only going to sell our house, we’re going to have a bidding war!”

“Oh”, she replied, “how are we going to do that”?

“Same way we’d get to Carnegie Hall, we practice”.

And practice I have.

“Bidding War” has become my latest mantra and I thank my neighbor for providing the inspiration.


“Bidding War”. The words flow from me with joy and happiness.  I’m surprised how powerfully I feel the elation of those words.

“Bidding war”, I started saying over and over, out loud and to myself.

“Bidding war”. I smiled into it as I repeated the words and practiced the feeling. By the end of one minute, I couldn’t contain my smile.

I kept speaking the words out loud, “Bidding war, bidding war, bidding war”.

As the next minute ended and another began, the practice changed to “Thank you for the bidding war” and I was now singing it out loud with passion and emotion.

My vibe was joyous. “Bidding war” had become an instant classic as I was singing, dancing and laughing in the middle of the woods.

It was a spectacular way to begin my day.

Try it today. Think of something you want to sell and imagine a bidding war breaking out. Do it for one minute and feel your energy change.

And have a great weekend.


Let the bidding begin,
Your Wingman, Michael


P.S. A gentle reminder about my Single Women, Be Your Own Wingman Workshop this Tuesday, June 23rd in Medford, NJ.

Click here for details. https://thewingmanspath.com/workshops-events/

House for Sale

Janet and I are settling into our new normal since we put our house up for sale 2 weeks ago.

New normal? Most certainly!

As anyone who has ever sold a house they were living in knows, there’s a new normal.


In setting our intention to attract the perfect buyer, part of that includes being ready for the stream of people who are constantly coming through our house. And that means every dish, spoon, fork, can of dog food, piece of paper, t-shirt, coffee mug, pair of shoes, etc., must be put away immediately and consistently. I’m even drying out the kitchen sink after I rinse a bowl!

Staying so tidy and organized has now just become another practice for me.
I’m really (sort of) enjoying it.

As Jan said the other day, “It’s easy to do because it’s already so clean. And the fact that the house never gets messy is so calming”.

It’s truly a vibration raiser.

Every day I’m now reminded of how organized and clutter-free I can be.  It feels great.

It’s like General Patton said,

“Accept the challenges so that you can feel
the exhilaration of victory.”

And this was a challenge.  Which got me thinking about changing behaviors and achieving any goal: from relationships, to health, to money, to feeling your best and living the life you choose to live.
Once you set your intention, the rest becomes easy.

It’s all about the energy and getting momentum on your side. You know, “an object in motion stays in motion” and all the science behind that.

Once you get some momentum going, it becomes so much easier to do.
You just have to “grease the skids”.

In my case that means putting that coffee mug in the dishwasher as soon as I’m finished, instead of waiting until I have a sink full of dishes.  It takes less overall time, and each time I do, my momentum improves and I turn an intention into a way of life of my choosing.

Do you know your goal? Or have a behavior that you want to change or modify?  Come up with a plan and start moving in that direction.

Here’s an easy exercise to help you get started.

Close your eyes and think of what it is you want.
Now think of the feeling it would bring you.
Practice that feeling for one minute. Just practice breathing it in.

It should help your vibration match the vibration of what it is you desire.

And it’s a great start to your weekend, and to a life of your choosing,

Still Practicing,
Your Wingman, Michael

P.S.  A gentle reminder about my Single Women, Be Your Own Wingman Workshop this Sunday, June 14th in Providence, R.I. and next Tuesday, June 23rd in Medford, NJ.

Click here for details. https://thewingmanspath.com/workshops-events/



In Malcolm Gladwell’s fascinating book, “Blink”, he talks of an experiment where students watched college professors teaching a class for only 2 seconds.

No audio, only video.Blog

They were then asked to rate the effectiveness of those teachers. Their ratings were then compared to ratings from students who took the professor’s classes for a semester.

The evaluations were eerily similar.

From just two seconds of video.

Sort of like when you meet someone for the first time and get an instant feeling.
Or see 2 seconds of news on the television and form an opinion.

It got me thinking; actually it was more like my internal wingman smacking me on the head. I need to come up with a practice to better develop that instant feeling. Then, I can help others to practice learning, trusting and most important, acting on, that intuition, or what I call gut instinct.

Because somehow it’s usually right.

Playing poker taught me to identify that instantaneous feeling.

I started taking notice of that first hunch.
Most times, I didn’t act upon it. I should have.

I had to learn that lesson more than a few times.

I’ve been practicing since.

Try it for yourself… this weekend practice taking notice of your first reaction, word or thought that comes in your mind when seeing someone, or experiencing something, for the first time.

To Trusting Your Gut,


Single Women: Be Your Own Wingman Workshop

Do you keep dating the same type of man?
Do you keep repeating the same relationship mistakes?

Would you like to feel more confident, more empowered, and better prepared to attract a man of a higher caliber.

I’m happy to be offering this workshop in Providence, RI and Medford, NJ.Blog

We will explore tools and exercises to help you…

  • Change your vibration and see yourself in a loving relationship.
  • Improve your dating momentum and start having more fun.
  • Better understand your biggest challenge that’s keeping you from attracting the love of your life.
  • Know yourself better, who you are, who you want to be, whom you want to attract.

Medford, NJ

When: Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015 from 6:30 – 8:00.
Where: The Center, Life in Balance
43 S. Main Street
Medford, NJ 08055
Cost: $20
Register: 609-975-8379 or .
Please include your name and phone #.

Providence, RI
When: Sunday, June 14th, 2015 from 4:30 – 6:00PM.
Where: Justina Nails and Spa
742 Hope Street, P
Providence, RI 02906
Cost: $20
Register: 856-287-7990 or
Please include your name and phone #.

For more info, click on workshop tab.

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend.

Your Wingman (until you become your own),



Gentle Reminder, Monday 5/18/15

It can be this simple.

From last month’s class on exploring happiness, I continue to hear, see and feel surprising victories.
It shouldn’t be so surprising though.

I mean, science tells us the happier we are the more successful our relationships, work life, health, finances and life will be.

“Success doesn’t bring happiness, happiness brings success.”


And I’m telling you it only takes a spark, a thought, a conversation…

Join me Monday night for more dialogue and practices.

I look forward to all your success,


Exploring Your Happiness
Wingman Workshop

“Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
Abraham Lincoln

Would you like to be happier?

This workshop will help raise your level of happiness by teaching you processes and practices to help you focus on, and learn more about, what makes you ‘happy’.

Science tells us the positive effects of being happy are…

* Higher Income
* More Satisfying and longer marriages.
* More friends
* More energy
* Better productivity at work
* Better Physical Health
* Live Longer

“The next day I felt the best- I saw life from a different perspective
and was much more optimistic.”

When: Monday, May 18th, 2015 @ 6:30- 8:00 pm

Where: The Center, Life in Balance,
43 South Main Street, Medford, NJ 08055

Cost: $20

Register: Phone: 609-975-8379
Please include your name & phone #.

Michael Gross will instruct the workout. He is a Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach who has coached municipalities, businesses, Miss New Jersey and other individuals to better realize their objectives. Michael can be heard as co-host of the ‘Talk-N-Angels’ radio show Wednesday evenings 7-8 pm at www.talknangels.com.

An Email about Sense of Lack…

A client emailed me a question the other day about having more success at work and I thought the answer might better help you reach your goals.

Hi Michael,

I’ve read a lot that you can’t attract a desire if it is rooted in a sense of lack. I’m worried this may be repealing my desire to be more successful at work. I want to have more success at work for many reasons but a few are because I want to do as well as my coworkers and to get that recognition and money. I realize these reasons may be rooted in a sense of lack. Is it possible to remove a desire from a sense of lack and change the way I see the desire or why I want it so I can attract it?

Sense of Lack


Dear Sense of Lack,

Great question. My desire for money was absolutely rooted in a sense of lack and I was able to change it. I’m certain you can too.

Here’s what I did…

For a long time my vibration around money was rooted in lack.
After starting Be Your Own Wingman I would often question myself, “How can I teach others to change their vibration when I can’t change mine?”.
It seemed easy to change my vibe around anything that was not money related… love, health, weight, relationships, everything but money.

I decided to practice what I preach so I…
1. Got myself in a better feeling place.
2. Set my intention to have more abundance of money.
3. Practiced achieving a vibrational match with it.

Now I had done this many times before with no success.
So I tried a new tactic.

I decided to let go of my resistance, even though I wasn’t sure of what that meant.
I didn’t feel like I was resisting money, but I knew somehow I was.

I started noticing every time I would hear of a friend’s success, a covetous feeling would rise within me.
I decided to quell that emotional reaction by utilizing my “Celebrate Their Joy” exercise.

How? By practicing feeling my friend’s joy at receiving success, and at my being close to them.
I would often say, “By feeling joy for my friend’s success, the Law of Attraction, by definition, is bringing me closer to my success.”
When I caught myself worrying about money, I would shift my focus and practice the feeling of wealth and abundance flowing in.
It took some time and I could feel my vibration changing, although I didn’t see the results in my outer reality.
I didn’t let that stop me.

I remember Jan, my wife, and I discussing solutions to our latest financial situation, and I said don’t worry, I feel money coming.
As you can imagine, that wasn’t the answer she wanted to hear.
I didn’t let that stop me either.

I would not allow my financial shortcomings to hijack the prosperity I was feeling, and impressing upon my subconscious mind.

When you’re working with energy, you must be vigilant in not letting negative emotions change your momentum.
I continued practicing the feeling of what I wanted.

It took some time, but money began to flow from the oddest & most unexpected sources.
It’s as if once I decided what I desired, and allowed it by getting out of my own way, the universe conspired to help.

Stay calm, stay focused and stay the course.

I hope this helps,


P.S.  If you’d like a free consultation on how to better achieve your goals, feel free to contact me.

Exploring Your Happiness
Wingman Workshop

“Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
Abraham Lincoln

Would you like to be happier?

This workshop will help raise your level of happiness by teaching you processes and practices to help you focus on, and learn more about, what makes you ‘happy’.

Science tells us the positive effects of being happy are…

* Higher Income
* More Satisfying and longer marriages.
* More friends
* More energy
* Better productivity at work
* Better Physical Health
* Live Longer

“The next day I felt the best- I saw life from a different perspective
and was much more optimistic.”

When: Monday, May 18th, 2015 @ 6:30- 8:00 pm

Where: The Center, Life in Balance,
43 South Main Street, Medford, NJ 08055

Cost: $20

Register: Phone: 609-975-8379
Please include your name & phone #.

Michael Gross will instruct the workout. He is a Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach who has coached municipalities, businesses, Miss New Jersey and other individuals to better realize their objectives. Michael can be heard as co-host of the ‘Talk-N-Angels’ radio show Wednesday evenings 7-8 pm at www.talknangels.com.

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