Welcome to

The Wingman’s Path

Homeless Once Again.



It was 25+ years ago.  I was in the investment world, literally one week from earning a giant paycheck.
Instead I got broke.  And I got broken.

The details aren’t important, although they sure seemed to be then.  I was crushed.  And it went down from there.

I ended up sleeping on friend’s couches, living out of my car.
And then my car got stolen.
Talk about sending out a bad vibration.  I was a mess…

It was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Do you believe that?
More importantly, do I believe it?



Do I really believe losing a million dollar paycheck was the best thing that ever happened to me?
Or is this just another of my “wingman” practices?

Truth be told, I’m no longer sure.
I am certain however, that this Tuesday, December 22nd,
I’ll be homeless again.

My vibe is much different this time.

Back then, I allowed my circumstances to dictate my energy.
It was one of fear, embarrassment, insecurity, pain and worry.
What I received in return was more fear, embarrassment, insecurity, pain and worry.

Of course I did, how could I not?

Today, I’m sending out a more practiced vibration.
It’s one of excitement, gratitude, passion and success.

Excitement, as Jan and I are heading to Thailand for 4 months.
Gratitude, because I’m so thankful for this opportunity.
Passion, for I believe this is a spiritual pilgrimage for me.
Success, because I am walking my walk, practicing what I preach.

My practice has become my reality.

But why now?  And why not then?
And is there anything I learned that could help others from falling into that dark place?

Janet pointed out that my situation is better now, which helps.
Seems true, although looking back, I’m not so sure.

When the universe pulled the rug out from under me, even without the life changing money,  I was earning a fantastic living.  Far more than I’m making now.
And I could have continued doing the same.falling down rabbit hole

Instead I permitted a negative occurrence to take me down the rabbit hole.

Maybe when it happened I felt like such a failure I wanted to suffer.
And suffer I did.

Has that ever happened to you?
Something goes wrong, and you allow it take over your life?

I know it seems so simplistic, but sitting here now, I totally believe I brought it on myself.

It was only one incident, but I gave it all my power.
And I wallowed in my misery.
The more I focused on my troubles, the more troubles the universe sent me.

I now have my power back.
Now when things go wrong, I give them no energy.
And I refocus on all I am grateful for.
It’s made all the difference.

Back then; my homelessness was a prison, now it’s my freedom.
Perhaps my practices can help you shift your focus as well.

Give it a try with my newest practice.  I call it my eGPS because it will definitely get you where you want to go.

For one minute each, you practice holding the feeling of excitement, gratitude, passion and success.
You can do it by remembering a time you felt those feelings, or by imagining a future filled with them.
By sending out such positive energy, you’ll be certain to receive back more excitement, gratitude, passion and success.

Four minutes that can turn your whole life around.

It could be the best thing that ever happens to you.

Have a Wingman Weekend,


So you’re riding the wave of higher frequencies. Enjoying everything coming your way. The challenges, the successes, even the lessons learned.

BlogYou notice you’re smiling more.  You’re feeling, “You da man, Billy Tan” a whole lot more.  You’re on a roll, in the “zone” or in the “vortex”.

All isn’t just good. It’s amazing.
You’re flying high.

And then, without warning, the wave crashes, the positive energy gets sucked out of you, and you fall into a vibrational hell.

What happened? I know I have a tendency, when I’m flying high and everything’s going great, to forget to keep practicing, to stop greasing the skids, to forget what got me here.

That’s not it though.
I’ve been running the Pilot Program of my Wingman Home Course.
I’m 13 days in and each and every day, I’m doing different practices.
With more mindfulness than usual because I’m sending them out to others.
Btw… it’s getting some fantastic results.

But you know what?
Life moves on, and with it, some painful experiences.Blog

As Buddha himself said, “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional”.

My practices won’t eliminate the pain, but they will minimize the suffering.
And get you moving in a better direction.

So here’s what happened.

In the midst of riding a wonderful wave of higher vibrations, this wingman got ‘slapped upside the head’ the other night.

“Didn’t expect that”, I said with a laugh, a very good vibe raiser, and moved on.  Or so I thought.
The next morning I awoke with the stench of lower energies still with me.  And it continued throughout the day.

So much so, I’m sitting in an Urgent Care center writing this.  BlogJanet injured her ankle when she joined me on this morning’s walk.

And now I’m beginning to question the frequency I’m currently emitting out into the universe.

Or perhaps it’s emitting onto me.

What’s a wingman to do?

Well this wingman’s been doing his practices over and over.
Not that I don’t do them most days. I do.

And my “vibe’s” been great.
But the wave of negative energy still swept me up in it’s path.

“Better feeling thoughts” for 5 minutes.
Meditate for 20 minutes.
“I’m happy” for 2 minutes.
“This could be the best thing that ever happened to me” for 5 minutes.
“This too shall pass” for 2 minutes.
“All is well” for 3 minutes.
Walked through the woods for 45 minutes.
What am I to learn?

The good news is I’ve gotten better at immediately identifying when my energy turns south. The bad news is when I’ve just gotten my ass kicked, vibrationally speaking, my energy is lowered and I’m fighting myself.
Talk about sending out a conflicted vibration…Blog

I do know in year’s past I would stay “pissy” for a good two weeks.

Consistent practice has brought that down to 24-36 hours.

I’m into my 19th hour.

Hmmm… that’s good news. Could I be moving in the right direction?
Hold on, here comes the doctor.

It is good news. No broken bones.
Something to be grateful for.
The tide has shifted.

Epilogue… It’s now a few days later and all is well.

What am I to learn from this?

1. If it can happen to me, it can happen to you.
2. The more I consciously practice being positive, the more I become unconsciously competent at being positive.
3. It can start as simply as finding one thing to be grateful for.

Give it a try and for one minute think of anything you are grateful for.
And let’s join together in sending out a vibration of appreciation.

Hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving weekend and found much to be thankful for,

More Proof to Practice, from the NY Times

Great article in the New York Times about how choosing to be grateful will make you happier.
Just in time for Thanksgiving…


Have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with much love and positive energy,

The Perfect Thanksgiving.

Imagine a perfect Thanksgiving…
Now bring your family into it.


If those two don’t match up, join us for a workshop, “A Wingman One-Minute Thanksgiving Plan” and make this a most enjoyable holiday season.

The Wingman One-Minute Thanksgiving Plan

Do at least one thing each day to “Build Your Inner Team”, your…

1. Thoughts: Set your tone each morning by focusing (for one minute) on a positive thought about your family.
2. Emotions: Feel love (for one minute) for your most irritating relative.
3. Actions: Do something with your most treasured family member.
Take a walk, see a movie, enjoy their company.
4. Manifestations: Visualize (for one minute) a fun and enjoyable holiday season.

We will be practicing these and other techniques to help you build your inner team and make this a most fun and memorable holiday.

Two different times and locations:

When: Monday, November 16, 2015 @ 6:30-8:00pm.

Where: The Center, Life in Balance, 45 S. Main St., Medford, NJ 08055

Cost: $20


When: Sunday, November 22, 2015 @10-11:30am

Where: Halo Wellness Center, 968 Rte 73 South, Marlton, NJ 08053

Cost: $20


Michael Gross will facilitate this workshop. He is a Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, who has coached municipalities, businesses, Miss New Jersey and other individuals to better achieve their goals. His “Be Your Own Wingman” philosophy has been praised by Marc Allen, owner of New World Library, and best selling authors Donald Altman, SARK and Dr. Bernie Siegel.


To Feeling Thankful at Thanksgiving,

“I Am Enough”.

I watched this wonderful video yesterday and was both amazed and surprised as it kept my attention for all 43 minutes.Blog

Check it out here… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJ4ykAICJPU.

As for the Wingman Home Course, we’ll be starting it on Friday, 11/13.

Sign up now, and together we will go from consciously practicing being positive, to being unconsciously competent at seeing positives in just 8 weeks.

You’ll be amazed at what that will do for your work, relationships, health and well-being. It’s guaranteed to bring you much success and happiness as we wind down 2015 and begin 2016.

The details are as follows…

1. Daily email: Each day, you will receive an email from me containing a practice. Each practice will take between 2 minutes and 15 minutes to complete. When done, you will email me a brief thought or feeling about the exercise. This will help me understand where you are on the emotional scale and to better customize practices.

2. You’ll agree to complete each assignment each day.

3. The cost is $100 for the eight weeks.

BlogHave a great day, and remember… you are enough,


The Wingman Home Course.

The Wingman Home Course, guaranteed to increase your positive energy.

I’ve developed an 8 week email course which I’m certain will help you bring more positive outcomes into your life.

BlogI recently ran a pilot program with one client, Phil, which was extremely successful.  He reports strong improvement in his confidence, business growth and personal relationships.
Two months later, he’s continued practicing each morning, and communicates a feeling of being happier with more control of his life.  His new business has been taking off.

“Throwing myself wholeheartedly into the program, I began to see results in just a few weeks, and by the time the program ended, I was on an upward trajectory enjoying greater success than I had dared dream about.   I dropped 20 lbs, was enjoying vibrant energy and health, and my business success began setting records, winning me bonuses, awards and recognition.  Michael’s program was a real blessing.”
Phil I.

BlogI believe the results can be duplicated.  I’d like to keep it small, and expand it to 4 more people.  It would be like a “Wingman Circle”, and it will help each of us continue to expand our positivity.

Do you remember the farmer who shares his prizewinning corn seed with his neighbors so everyone, through cross-pollination, continues to grow superior corn? (https://thewingmanspath.com/hows-your-corn/).

Well, with all the good fortune coming my way, I’m hoping to share my seeds, my practices of positive energy.   I have found by simply “practicing what I preach”, “talking the talk” and “walking the walk”, both you and I can reach higher peaks.

The details are…

1.  Daily email:  Each day, you will receive an email from me containing a practice.  Each practice will take between 2 minutes and 15 minutes to complete.  When done, you will email me a brief thought or feeling about the exercise.  This will help me understand where you are on the emotional scale and to better customize practices.

2.  You’ll agree to complete each assignment each day.

3.  The cost is $100 for the eight weeks.

We’ll start next week.

Looking forward to increasing our positive energy,

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