Welcome to
The Wingman’s Path
Dealing with Temptations, tonight on Talk-n-Angels radio.
Back by popular demand… my wife Jan, a psychotherapist for the past 20 years, joins me to discuss dealing with temptations tonight on Talk-n-Angels radio. Listen in at 7pm, http://www.talknangels.com.
(scroll down and click listen live to show).
It’s never easy managing your urges, whether you’re like me, as a newly minted vegetarian among cheese steak eating friends, or your grappling with your own challenges.
Like the sirens of Greek mythology, there will always be invitations to distract you from your goal.
Whether you’re avoiding these enticements due to health, money, your relationship or just a number on your bathroom scale… listen in tonight at 7pm, http://www.talknangels.com. as Jan and Michael discuss the best ways to avoid crashing on the rocks of your cravings.
Also, join Michael Thursday night in Oaklyn, NJ to learn how to
manifest your desires working 4 minutes a day.
How I Manifested My Dream Working 4 minutes a Day!
You Can Too!
Wingman Positivity Training Workshop.
Two different nights.
1. Thursday, May 5th, 6:30 – 8:00 pm – Oaklyn, NJ.
2. Monday, May 16th, 6:30 – 8:00 pm – Medford, NJ
Building a positive inner team, your Thoughts, Emotions, Actions and Manifestations, is the most important element to achieving any goal or manifesting any desire. And it requires PRACTICE.
Participants will be directed through a series of practices based on…
1. Shifting cognitions.
2. Neuroscience
3. Lessons learned from my time spent with a Buddhist Zen Master.
Participants have reported feeling…
- Less anxious and depressed.
- Better control of their thoughts and emotions.
- Increased awareness of the frequency they are emitting.
- More empowered and more focused on their goals.
- Improved hopefulness of attaining those goals.
- Expectation of continuing their positivity practices.
Two different workshops…
1. Thursday, May 5th 6:30 – 8:00 pm at Spirit Light Services,
916 White Horse Pike, Oaklyn, NJ 08107.
Register @ https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=11931675&appointmentType=1257150
2. Monday, May 16th, 6:30 – 8:00 pm at The Center,
Life in Balance, 45 South Main Street Medford, NJ 08055.
Register: Phone: 609-975-8379 or
Email: .
Please include your name & phone #.
Cost is $30. Email me at .
Michael Gross is the owner of Be Your Own Wingman Positivity Training and a Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach. He has coached municipalities, businesses, Miss New Jersey and many others to better achieve their goals.
His “Build Your Inner Team” workshops have helped thousands to see positives instead of negatives, solutions instead of problems, and to focus on what’s going right in their lives and businesses, and build from there.
His “Be Your Own Wingman” concept has been praised by Marc Allen, owner of New World Library, and best selling authors Donald Altman, SARK and Dr. Bernie Siegel.
Coming Home.
There’s a great story in Jewish and Buddhist circles about the Jewish mother who treks to Thailand in search of a famous guru. After an exhaustive 24 hours of travel, by plane, train, Songthaew and Tuk tuk, she makes it to Wat Arun, the famous temple in Bangkok. An old monk in orange robes opens the door, and the woman promptly requests a meeting with the Master.
The monk explains that this is impossible because the guru is in silent retreat, meditating at Wat Tham Pha Plong, at the top of a mountain in Chiang Dao.
She insists upon seeing him until the monk acquiesces. However, he demands on the following rules: The meeting must be brief, she must bow when addressing the guru, and she can say no more than eight words to him.
The woman agrees, buys a bus ticket and a new pair of comfortable hiking shoes, and sets off on her arduous journey. After a 10-hour bus ride, and 5-hour hike up the mountain, she finally arrives at the temple. Keeping within the eight-word limit in addressing the guru, she breathes in deeply, walks in, bows and says, “Sheldon, it’s your mother. Enough already, come home!”
Yes, it is time to come home.
And there you can find me from May 1st to May 21st.
Now I’m no guru, but I have been able to manifest my dreams of living life on my terms. No alarm clock, traveling light, creating workshops, online positivity training, helping others and appreciating the world.
Your dreams may be different but it would be my honor to help you manifest them by sharing my blueprint that enabled my vision to materialize. Let me help you actualize yours.
It’s simple, takes four minutes a day, and I’m certain you’ll be able to master it. If I can, you can.
As Henry David Thoreau said,
“Live the life you have imagined”.
I can help you make that happen.
To set up an individual coaching session with me, email .
To attend one of my workshops, see below.
With Much Appreciation,
How I Manifested My Dream Working 4 minutes a Day!
You Can Too!
Wingman Positivity Training Workshop.
Two different nights.
1. Thursday, May 5th, 6:30 – 8:00 pm – Oaklyn, NJ.
2. Monday, May 16th, 6:30 – 8:00 pm – Medford, NJ
Building a positive inner team, your Thoughts, Emotions, Actions and Manifestations, is the most important element to achieving any goal or manifesting any desire. And it requires PRACTICE.
Participants will be directed through a series of practices based on…
1. Shifting cognitions.
2. Neuroscience
3. Lessons learned from my time spent with a Buddhist Zen Master.
Participants have reported feeling…
- Less anxious and depressed.
- Better control of their thoughts and emotions.
- Increased awareness of the frequency they are emitting.
- More empowered and more focused on their goals.
- Improved hopefulness of attaining those goals.
- Expectation of continuing their positivity practices.
Two different workshops…
1. Thursday, May 5th 6:30 – 8:00 pm at Spirit Light Services,
916 White Horse Pike, Oaklyn, NJ 08107.
Register @ https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=11931675&appointmentType=1257150
2. Monday, May 16th, 6:30 – 8:00 pm at The Center,
Life in Balance, 45 South Main Street Medford, NJ 08055.
Register: Phone: 609-975-8379 or
Email: .
Please include your name & phone #.
Cost is $30. Email me at .
Michael Gross is the owner of Be Your Own Wingman Positivity Training and a Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach. He has coached municipalities, businesses, Miss New Jersey and many others to better achieve their goals.
His “Build Your Inner Team” workshops have helped thousands to see positives instead of negatives, solutions instead of problems, and to focus on what’s going right in their lives and businesses, and build from there.
His “Be Your Own Wingman” concept has been praised by Marc Allen, owner of New World Library, and best selling authors Donald Altman, SARK and Dr. Bernie Siegel.
“I’m a Lucky Guy” one minute practice.
Today I bring you a great practice live from Thailand!
I’ve videoed myself doing my one minute, “I’m a lucky guy” practice, so let’s have some fun together and get some good luck going all over this world!
Join with me in doing this exercise to improve your luck, increase your happiness and raise your vibration.
That’s right, I want you to practice right along with me, by saying exactly what I say, and thinking, feeling and believing good luck is coming your way.
It really is that simple.
Just by saying I’m a lucky guy/girl out loud for one minute, you start emitting a frequency of good luck and the universe always responds in kind by matching your vibration and sending you back the same.
Therefore, by doing this with me, we’ll create good luck for both of us.
How awesome is that?
If you’re unable to watch the video, no worries. Set your timer for one minute and repeat the phrase “I’m a lucky guy/girl”.
I’d love to hear any feedback on receiving video practices in the future. Let me know if this was helpful in raising your “vibe”, and bringing you a feeling of good luck coming your way.
To your continued good luck,
Thinking Distortions, on Talk-n-Angels radio…
Tonight on Talk-n-Angels, Michael and his wife Janet, an LCSW therapist, will discuss the most common thinking distortions, and how to eliminate them.
One of the biggest factors, and reasons for anxiety, nervousness and depression are the falsifications our minds play on us.
“Black and white” thinking, catastrophizing and jumping to conclusions are just 3 of the many ways our mind convinces us of something that isn’t really true.
These inaccurate thoughts are usually used to reinforce negative thinking or emotions – telling ourselves things that sound rational and accurate, but really only serve to keep us feeling bad about ourselves.
Join us Wednesday at 7pm Eastern, 6am Thursday in Thailand, as we discuss these thinking distortions and the steps you can take to begin reducing the impact they have on your life.
Click here to listen to the show… http://www.talknangels.com
(Scroll down to “Listen live to the show).
Become a member of the Talk-N-Angels Radio Show community.
Stop by www.talknangels.com and subscribe.
I look forward to speaking with you,
Five Things for World Peace and Happiness.
Today I bring you day 1, part 2 of my meetings with the Venerable Jung Bong Mu Mu from South Korea. For those of you who missed the first one, https://thewingmanspath.com/perfect-emptiness/, this is the second installment of my conversations with him. These exchanges took place from March 5th to March 9th at various temples in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
In the first installment, we learned that perfect emptiness is the starting point to “heaven on earth”. In this video, the Zen Master discusses the 5 precepts of Buddhism and, how if we all keep them, we’ll have world peace.
If you don’t have time to watch, no worries, here’s the cliff note version…
1. Do not kill. This doesn’t only mean to not kill, but also to not harm another sentient being. That means being a vegetarian. Wait, what? No more cheese steaks. If you watch, you’ll see me trying to get around this by asking the same question in a few different ways.
Yep, I’m back on the plant-based path.
I’ll be home in May, and while I know Philadelphia has become a mecca for great vegetarian restaurants, I’m really hoping one of them can sate my desire for my favorite sandwich that I’ve been missing dearly.
2. Do not steal. Not only things, but also don’t rob others of their joy, excitement or passion.
3. No sexual misconduct. I’m guessing everyone has his or her own definition of this. Let’s just leave it at… you know what’s right.
4. Do not lie. Most importantly, do not lie to yourself.
5. Do not drink or do drugs. Do nothing that distorts your mind. This might be a tough one for me but I’ve been keeping it going since I met with him. This was another one I asked about in a few different ways. He was very clear, actually, he said this is the worst of the 5 precepts because it leads to many poor decisions and much heartbreak for families.
If we all start today, perhaps we’ll not only have world peace, but I’ll see you in Nirvana.
I’ll be the one eating the vegetarian cheese steak,
Daily Positivity Coaching.
Are you looking to live your dream?
It all starts with being positive.
After my last Increasing Your Positivity course, many of the participants wanted to continue.
Therefore I have decided to create a daily positivity coaching program.
I’ve seen what it can do for others and I’m certain it can help you achieve your goals.
Be Your Own Wingman
Live Your Dream
Daily Positivity Coaching
Increasing your positivity is the most important element to achieving any goal or manifesting any desire.
And it requires PRACTICE.
Are you…
- Stuck in Transition.
- Wanting to grow your business and increase your finances.
- Desiring to lose weight and get healthy.
- Seeking to improve your relationship or begin a new one.
- Searching for a better job.
- Looking to live your dream life.
It all starts with improving your positivity.
What you’ll receive with the training.
1. A daily email. Each day, you will receive an email from me containing the practice I’m doing that day.
Each practice will take between 1 minute and 10 minutes to complete. Each practice is designed to help you increase your positive energy and improve the vibration you are sending out.
2. Individualized Coaching. This is the heart of my program. You will email me after completing the practice and if you like, include a brief thought or feeling about the exercise. I will respond to any questions, thoughts or emotions that come up and customize practices for you. You will have daily access to me to keep you motivated, focused and moving in a positive direction.
3. Increased calmness, clarity and confidence.
Participants have reported feeling…
- Less anxious and depressed.
- Better control of their thoughts and emotions.
- Increased awareness of their vibration.
- More empowered and more focused on their goals.
- Improved hopefulness of attaining those goals.
- Enhanced ability to reverse negative moods.
“…by the time our first month together ended, I was on an upward trajectory enjoying greater success than I had dared dream about. By the second month I dropped 20 lbs., was enjoying vibrant energy and health, and my business success began setting records, winning me bonuses, awards and recognition. Your program was a real blessing.” Phil Italiano
“I look forward to your email every morning, wondering what the exercise is for the day, and always feeling so much better after doing it. The program has definitely made me feel more positive, more focused, and believing that I can achieve my goals”. Sue G.
“Since starting your course I have become active, more mindful about eating and I have lost 14 pounds. I do believe I can and will work my way through all things and am dramatically more aware and awake to all possibilities. I have also made the decision to return to Ireland to live and everything has fallen in place to allow this to happen for me”. MJ O’Brien
“It helped me to create a habit of stopping once a day, look at what path I am on, and reset my internal compass towards positivity”. Jim B.
“Your daily practices have helped me be more mindful and in the moment, as well as increasing my positivity and lessening my undefined, underlying anxiety. It has also helped me to see additional outcomes of situations that at first glance seemed negative.” Pat Luciotti
“Awesome, your coaching and your program have been awesome”. Donna S.
“Can’t thank you enough, after 2 months on your program, I left my job and started my own consulting practice. It’s been going great and I couldn’t be happier. Love your daily emails, keep them coming”. Cliff Hirschhorn
“Your words of encouragement keep me going. Many mornings I have awakened down, pushed through by doing your daily practice, and noticed my mood lifting. I am so grateful for your coaching.” Carol W.
“It’s been wonderful for me, and my children. I do your practice in the morning and then again with them when I pick them up from school. I notice we all laugh more, and they seem calmer and less agitated.” Cindy S.
This unique investment in your future is… $100/month, $275/3 months or $500/6 months.
The results will be priceless.
To sign up for this course, send me an email with your name and preferred email address. I will send you a Pay Pal invoice.
I look forward to helping you live the life of your dreams!