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The Wingman’s Path

Traffic? Come from Love.

Yesterday, Jan and I drove back up to Providence, RI from Haddonfield, NJ.
There was traffic the whole way up.Blog

It was a “drive from hell” and we started to let it get to us.

Oh yeah, the wingman is not immune from getting irritated and “pissy”.
The only difference is that I’m now able to recognize it more quickly.

And when I observe my energy going negative, I make certain to alter the vibration that I’m sending out into the universe.  ASAP.

So before we allowed ourselves to get pulled down into the emotional mud, we came up with a practice.

We decided to “come from love”.
Blog“Come from love”, we each said to ourselves for one minute.

“Come from love”, we then said to each other for another minute.

It certainly broke up the monotony.
It even made the drive a bit more palatable.

But it wasn’t until later that night, when we ran out for some Thai food, that the higher vibration of our little exercise really kicked in.
Instead of it just being dinner, it became “date night”.

We laughed, talked, reconnected, and even kept the night going by taking a late night walk.

But it wasn’t just us, it was everyone around us.

From our young Cambodian waitress, with whom we discussed Cambodia, delicious recipes and the law of attraction, to a “hippie” couple sitting near us who not only wanted to “bask in our vibe”, but added tremendously to it.

It was a wonderful evening. And as we took that late night walk, we realized how easily we had washed off the bitterness of the day, and replaced it with “a loving feeling”.

All from a 2 minute practice.
Give it a try.  Say to yourself for 2 minutes, “Come from love”.

BlogMore importantly, practice the feeling of coming from love, of sending out love, of “being love.

When you do, I assure you the world will respond in kind and send you love back.

Whatever that looks like for you, it will feel even better.

Best wishes for a love filled day,


Celebrating my Friend…

I was at a party in Sudbury, MA. last night.
That’s right, I’m a party animal.

Anyway, I saw a great friend who I haven’t seen since before I left for Thailand.  It was great to see him.
But even better, he has a new job and a new girlfriend.

I haven’t seen him this happy in a long time.

So this morning, when I woke up, I did my celebration practice and celebrated him.

For one minute I celebrated his joy at having a new job.
And for one minute I celebrated him being in a loving relationship.

Because that’s the vibration I want to be sending out into the universe.

A little history…
BlogMy celebration practice began one night a couple years ago as I was driving down the shore with a friend and he told me he had received a check earlier that day for $1,000,000.
Yes, $1,000,000.

As soon as he said it, I remember my first reaction being, “Why not me, I want a million dollars”. I immediately thought of the commandment, “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors’ goods”.

BlogThere was no question I was covetous, and the energy I was sending out was one of envy.
Which of course means the universe will send me more to be envious about.

I knew I had to change that vibration immediately.
So here’s what I did.

I celebrated.

I celebrated my friend’s joy at receiving the check.
Because when I can feel his joy, I then send out a vibration of pure joy and the universe responds in kind by sending me more to be joyous about.

I also celebrated my being close to him. By definition of the Law of Attraction, my having a close friend who received $1,000,000, and my being with him, meant I must be getting closer to my own million dollar check.

How awesome is that?
That’s the energy I want to be emitting out into the universe.

This isn’t “rocket science”. It’s actually pretty simple.

e720a06a112716b38af1cd6acd972da6Like the quote from Albert Einstein, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

So now, whenever I see someone who is happy, or has something I desire, I celebrate them. It’s made all the difference in my vibration.

Give it a try today. Think of someone who has what you want. It can be a friend or co-worker who has the beautiful family, great health or financial security. Whatever it is that brings up a jealous feeling in you.

And celebrate their joy at having it.
Celebrate the fact that you know people who have what you want.
Focus on the practice of celebrating each person’s joy at having what you want for 1 minute.
Practice sending that joyous energy out into the universe.

Btw… I no longer use the word jealous, it’s a negative word that brings up negative feelings. Instead of saying, even jokingly to a friend, “I’m jealous of you”, I say instead, “I celebrate you”.
And I do.

To sending out that joyous vibration,

A Fantastic Future.

Yesterday, Jan and I were talking about future plans and ideas.
We spoke of walking the El Camino, returning to Thailand, and/or visiting Ecuador or Costa Rica.

She then mentioned how one of her favorite questions when working with her therapy clients was to ask where they saw themselves in 5 years.Blog

The question resonated with me so when I awoke this morning, I googled it.
Turns out, it is not only one of Jan’s preferred therapy questions, but also one utilized most often among job interviewers.

It is also the question that, in said job interviews, trips more people up than any other. Interviewers love the question as a way to see if you’re committed to the job you are applying to currently, and do you have realistic expectations of your growth.

For me, I decided it would make a wonderful “Wingman” practice.

As you may be aware, I’m a big believer in practicing seeing what you want. When you’re able to clearly see your future, you’re more likely to make it happen.

BlogEnvisioning will not only help you see the future you want, it will also help you create a plan for achieving it.  And, of course by practicing seeing it, feeling it and believing it, it will help you bring it to reality.

So I gave it a try.

I closed me eyes for 2 minutes and looked to my future.
Only it didn’t work.
I was jumping all over the place and nothing seemed to stick.

Yikes! I anxiously thought, this doesn’t bode well for my future.

So I decided to try again.

Only before I did, I thought maybe I could find a better way.Blog

So I went back to the web and I came upon the book “Search Inside Yourself”, by Chade-Meng Tan.  Turns out Chade-Meng Tan is one of Google’s earliest engineers and personal growth pioneers.

In his book, he describes a writing exercise for discovering and reinforcing your future vision.

He said to set aside 7 minutes in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.

Take out a piece of paper and answer the question…

“If everything in my life, starting from today, meets or exceeds my most optimistic expectations, what will my life be in five years?”

And so I did.

Writing it out worked much better for me than closing my eyes and imagining it.  I was clearer, and was able to actually see a future I wanted to make happen.

And one I could now practice focusing on each day.

Give it a try for yourself.
And start seeing a fantastic future for yourself.

Let me know how it works for you.

To Your Fantastic Future,


“Hocus, Pocus, Change My Focus”.

I realize how challenging life can be, especially when we’re in the midst of loss.
Everything seems to snowball to the point where you can’t “get all the injustices out of your head”.

BlogWe all go through ups and downs.
Not to overstate the obvious, but the up times are a whole lot more fun.
The down times can range from mild depression to “hell on earth”.

I remember being in a really dark place.
I was living on friend’s couches, with a feeling of hopelessness.
It felt like all I wanted was to “catch my footing” and stop all the misery.

I remember thinking, if I could just hold at this level, I could begin to turn it around.
And then something else would happen to knock me down even further.

Looking back, and with all I’ve learned from Law of Attraction, it’s become very clear… because I kept focusing on all the negatives, the universe kept sending me more to be negative about.
It’s all about how you are feeling and the energy you are giving off.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be Blogno other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics”.
Albert Einstein

I remember when I realized I could practice changing my vibration.
And I came up with a fun little practice I still do to this day.
I’d do it for one minute and it helped.
Maybe it can help you too.

I called it “Hocus, Pocus, Change my Focus” because that’s what I would say to myself.

BlogIt started when I couldn’t shake my focus from all that was going wrong in my life. I’d say, “Hocus, Pocus, Change my Focus ” for one minute.

A couple funny things about this practice.

1. By the end of the minute I would be laughing that I was doing something so ridiculous to change my focus, that I’d actually forget the negative thing I was focused on. At least for that minute.
2. When I now do presentations to businesses, this little exercise always seems to be a favorite. Weeks, and even months after, I’ll get emails about “Hocus, Pocus”.

Give it a try right now for one minute.

Coming out of a funk, takes work.  And it’s grueling work because when you’re surrounded by so much despair, it’s difficult to “emit a positive frequency” when all around you is toxic.

But I am proof you can practice your way out of it.  And live a life of your choosing.  You can too.

You’ve got this.

It’s as easy as “Hocus, Pocus”,


Gentle Reminder, or rather a BIG, IN YOUR FACE Reminder…

Gentle Reminder… or rather a BIG, IN YOUR FACE, REMINDER…

This Monday night, at The Center, Life in Balance…

How I Manifested My Dream Working 4 minutes a Day!

You Can Too!

Wingman Positivity Training Workshop.

Monday, May 16th, 6:30 – 8:30 pm – Medford, NJBlog

Building a positive inner team, your Thoughts, Emotions, Actions and Manifestations, is the most important
element to achieving any goal or manifesting any desire.
And it requires PRACTICE.

Participants will be directed through a series of practices based on…

1. Shifting cognitions.
2. Neuroscience
3. Lessons learned from my time spent with a Buddhist Zen Master.

Participants have reported feeling…

  • Less anxious and depressed.
  • Better control of their thoughts and emotions.
  • Increased awareness of the frequency they are emitting.
  • More empowered and more focused on their goals.
  • Improved hopefulness of attaining those goals.
  • Expectation of continuing their positivity practices.

peanuts-accomplishmentMonday, May 16th, 6:30 – 8:30 pm. 

The Center, Life in Balance
45 South Main Street Medford, NJ 08055.

Register: Phone: 609-975-8379 or
Email: .
Please include your name & phone #.

Cost is $30. Email me at .

Michael Gross is the owner of Be Your Own Wingman Positivity Training and a Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach. He has coached municipalities, businesses, Miss New Jersey and many others to better achieve their goals.

His “Build Your Inner Team” workshops have helped thousands to see positives instead of negatives, solutions instead of problems, and to focus on what’s going right in their lives and businesses, and build from there.

His “Be Your Own Wingman” concept has been praised by Marc Allen, owner of New World Library, and best selling authors Donald Altman, SARK and Dr. Bernie Siegel.

It’s Just a Ride… Mother’s Day 2016

I was driving home yesterday from my Mother-in Law’s, thinking about my mom in Rhode Island, my step-daughter in Australia, my daughter in Alabama, and my son in New York, and how so many of us are separated from our families on Mother’s day.

Then this little speech came on the radio.

A man named Bill Hicks talking about how life is just like a ride at the amusement park.

And when you choose to go on it, you think it’s real, because that’s how powerful our minds really are.

And the ride goes up and down, is exciting and fun and thrilling, but then sometimes turns scary, even terrifying, and we squeeze our eyes shut, thinking in that moment our fear is real.  We forget it’s just a ride.

Just like life. Because for many of us, when our lives turn challenging, we let our troubles get to us.
We also forget it’s just a ride.

And that we can choose differently.

And it got me thinking of you, and Mother’s day, and how for some of us Mother’s day is a beautiful day filled with love and family.

And for others, it’s a day filled with pain, loss, and things we’d rather forget.

And how the pain feels so real…
It’s at those times we sometimes forget… it’s just a ride.

So today, on this day after Mother’s day, 2016, I hope your ride was all laughter, joy and pleasure.

But if it wasn’t, if it was sad or disappointing or even depressing… don’t worry… it’s just a ride.

And tomorrow you can choose a better, more enjoyable, ride.

Give it a try. For one minute, imagine life being a ride and it being your choice. It’s a great practice to help you relax when the ride gets scary.

To Choosing a Fun Ride,

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