A Blessed Evening
Apr 26, 2014 |
What an inspiring night at Eleven One Art Gallery in Camden, N.J. last week. It was the unveiling of William Butler’s original artwork, “Oneness”. William and Ronja Butler have come to Camden via Des Moines, Iowa, to utilize their creative talents as part of the change revolution going on in Camden. William’s piece will now be transformed into stained glass windows in the chapel of the new Kroc Community Center in Camden, NJ.
This unbelievable project is helping to add to the positive energy swirling around Camden these days.
Yes, you read correctly, Camden, NJ.
The same town Matt Taibbi, in Rolling Stone magazine a few months back, called America’s most desperate town.
And I quote, “The first thing you notice about Camden, New Jersey, is that pretty much everyone you talk to has just gotten his or her ass kicked”.
Well, if there’s one thing I’ve learned from getting my ass kicked on a few different occasions, is it only takes one small spark of positive energy to get me moving in a better direction.
And the Kroc Center, run by The Salvation Army, is bringing a whole lot more then that.
The Kroc Center will be a 120,000-square foot facility. It will include a full size gymnasium, an indoor competition pool and water park, black box theater, community gathering plaza, media center, learning center, culinary arts teaching kitchen, choice food pantry, early childhood education center, teen center, senior center, athletic fields, health clinic and more. All programs will be inclusive to community members without discrimination.
Talk about a game changer, this project will impact not only the families of Camden, but all of South Jersey.
I don’t have to tell you what a thriving community center can do to improve the health, education and confidence of it’s people.
As a friend of mine, the CEO of a major non-profit in Camden said to me when discussing this latest rebirth of Camden, “It feels different, this time”.
I’m a big believer in feeling. Whether it’s finding just a little bit of relief, or expanding your greatest dreams, my Wingman Workout is all about feeling more positive, more hopeful and more confident. Have you noticed how when you feel better, you set better goals for yourself, you’re more productive and it’s easier to keep that good feeling going.
Let’s all help this revolution, and like William’s painting, “Oneness”, collectively join together for a one minute practice by visualizing Camden growing safer and more productive.
Like in those old movies, when some people are stranded, fighting off the bad guys, praying for relief.
And the cavalry comes.
Well, in Camden, NJ, the cavalry’s arrived.
Appreciate it.
Have a great weekend,