Nothing like a free bear hug to keep some positive momentum going.
Free Bear Hugs!
I was in Ocean Grove, New Jersey for their town wide flea market this past weekend and happened upon this young lady. Loved her ingenuity and the fact she was doing her share to keep everyone happy.

“We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.”
Virginia Satir,  American Psychotherapist 

20140531_135454According to different scientific research, hugging, even an inanimate object like a teddy bear, has some major benefits.
Here’s a quick High Five of what it can do for you.
1.  Hugging lowers our heart rate and our blood pressure: According to Tiffany Field, Ph.D. and director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine, when somebody hugs you, the sensation on your skin activates pressure receptors called Pacinian corpuscles, which send signals to the Vagus nerve which slows our heart down and decreases our blood pressure. Another study led by Dr. Charmaine Griffiths of the British Heart Foundation shows that hugs and handholding provides beneficial heart health and reduces stress. When a group of couples were told to discuss an “angry event”, the group that held hands and hugged before the confrontation evidenced lower heart rate and blood pressure.
2. Hugging reduces stress: Research by Matt Hertenstein, Experimental Psychologist at DePauw University in Indiana, suggests that hugging or hand-holding results in a decrease of the stress hormone cortisol. “Having this friendly touch, just somebody simply touching our arm and holding it, buffers the physiological consequences of this stressful response,”
3. Hugging helps us feel more connected: Hugging increases the release of oxytocin, a neuropeptide that, according to Hertenstein, “promotes feelings of devotion, trust and bonding. It really lays the biological foundation and structure for connecting to other people”.
4. Hugging makes us happier: Recent studies from England indicate that our orbital frontal cortex (area of the brain just above our eyes) becomes activated in response to friendly touch. It’s the same area that responds to sweet tastes (think chocolate) and pleasant smells.
5. Hugging relieves anxiety, depression and existential fears: Research done at UV University Amsterdam found that people with low self-esteem are plagued with more disturbing existential angst (read: anxiety and depression) than the rest of the general population. According to Sander Koole, lead researched on the study, ‘Our findings show that even touching an inanimate object – such as a teddy bear – can soothe existential fears. Interpersonal touch is such a powerful mechanism that even objects that simulate touch by another person may help to instill in people a sense of existential significance,”
And I thought I was just happy walking around with my wife and friends. Turns out, by hugging “Teddy” I helped myself a whole lot more.
Give it a try.
Today’s Practice: Go hug someone, something, or even yourself.
And let me know if it helps you feel better.
Wingmaning on,