It’s the Pre-Launch of my new book and the excitement is through the roof!

Big News!

I am beyond thrilled to announce that Tasfil Publishing is launching my new book, THE WINGMAN’S PATH TO POSITIVITY, on March 24, 2020.

For the next 28 days, the publisher is offering the Kindle ebook at a pre-launch price of only $0.99.  This price will disappear on 3/24 when it becomes available in print and all other formats.

Get it here:

After ordering, be sure to email your Amazon order number to the publisher at, , for a chance to win free autographed copies plus other prizes.

I so appreciate you sharing positive energy with me.  This book could not have been completed without you practicing with me and helping me keep my vibration high.

To Keeping the Positivity Flowing,

Michael S. Gross
