Summer of Fun Tour

My new office.

Jan and I are settling into our new normal, at least for the next 6-8 months. Ahhh, South Jersey for the summer. I’m calling it my “Summer of Fun Tour”!

Now the surest way I’ve found to make certain I have fun, is to help the people around me to have fun.

And by fun, I mean feeling better, bringing more positivity into your life, and living a life of your choosing.  In wingman parlance, you’re vibrating at a higher level. Makes sense right?  I mean, isn’t that what the WIngman’s Path is all about?


It takes a village, and the more of us helping energetically to be a spark of positivity, the easier it is for each of us to raise our vibration. So let’s do this!  Mark your calendars and let’s get together and enhance our lives and the lives of those around us.

Summer of Fun Tour, Wingman’s Path Practice.
Wednesdays:  July 11th, 18th, and 25th
6:30-8:00 P.M.

What:  Live Practice Sessions. 

Let’s have some fun!  Together, we will practice bringing positive energy into our lives. Come prepared to do lots of laughing, energy raising and positivity practices. You are certain to leave feeling more optimistic, focused and confident in achieving your goals and manifesting your desires.

Where:  Qdoba, 1630 Kings Hwy N, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 (Ellisburg Circle Shopping Center).

Investment: $20 for one, $50 for all three.

Changing a culture filled with negativity is hard to do, especially when we’re fighting lifetimes of pessimism, doubt, and hopelessness.  But I know this works and I know we can do this.  We’re all in this together, and I find we can use all the help we can get.

Btw… I would never want a financial hardship to deter anyone from participating.  I can always use volunteers, wingmates, and other positive energies.  If money is an issue, contact me, via email, private message or text.

Now let’s start having some fun.

Your Wingman,

Each session is limited to 20 people. Reserve your spot now via PayPal.

Dates Available

Summer of Fun Tour