With our house-sit in Amherst, MA. now finished, Jan and I are back in Southern NJ for a few days. With this pause in our nomadic adventures, we’re fortunate to have some friends who have generously allowed us to “hang our hats”.
It’s been a week for memories as Jan posted her remembrances of her father last week. Then yesterday, she and I went to our storage unit and retrieved the ashes of Monte, our beloved “wingdog”, and took them to the magical woods we once walked each day with him. It still surprises me how easily I tear up when thinking of him.
And now, this early morning, I’m sitting out back of our friend’s house, looking at this beautiful Japanese Maple tree they recently planted, utilizing a biodegradable urn containing the ashes of her mother who died last year. It’s a wonderful tribute, and as I sit here, I start thinking of my loved ones and great friends who are no longer physically with us.
But as Mary Ann Evans, English novelist and poet, better known by her pen name, George Eliot, was once quoted, “Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them”.
I’m reminded of that quote as I sit here sharing the air with this loving, living memorial, and notice myself smiling as I “feel” those who were so near and dear to me. When I allow myself to feel the connection, signs of them seem to pop up everywhere (two different emails just flashed onto my screen, one reminding me of my buddy Coop, the other, of my brother Stevie)
So I decided to honor those loved ones who have passed with a wingman practice, and allow my recollections, to help start my day by raising my energy.
Please join me, and together, let’s see if we can really “raise our vibe”, and attract so much positive energy that success begins to come easy for us. Imagine that, whatever you want being delivered right to you, instead of you having to fight constantly for it.
It’s simple, for one minute think of a deceased loved one or great friend, and say over and over to yourself, or with me, “I love you, and I’m going to honor you, by living the rest of my life to it’s fullest”.
You can join me by clicking here…
Btw… I do my wingman practices each morning and if you would like to join me for a minute of positivity you can do so on Twitter, @wingmanmichael, on Facebook, at Be Your Own Wingman, or on YouTube, at beyourownwingman.
To living your life to the fullest,
Having lost my mom just a little over a year ago, and my sweet little Eleanor in May, I am thinking about both of them frequently but the pain is still awfully raw. I had a hard time doing your one minute practice this time. I know you understand that.
I totally understand as every time I think of Monte, I still cry. I hope you feel their connection, their joy and their love, even though they are no longer on this physical plane.