It was 25+ years ago. I was in the investment world, literally one week from earning a giant paycheck.
Instead I got broke. And I got broken.
The details aren’t important, although they sure seemed to be then. I was crushed. And it went down from there.
I ended up sleeping on friend’s couches, living out of my car.
And then my car got stolen.
Talk about sending out a bad vibration. I was a mess…
It was the best thing that ever happened to me.
Do you believe that?
More importantly, do I believe it?
Do I really believe losing a million dollar paycheck was the best thing that ever happened to me?
Or is this just another of my “wingman” practices?
Truth be told, I’m no longer sure.
I am certain however, that this Tuesday, December 22nd,
I’ll be homeless again.
My vibe is much different this time.
Back then, I allowed my circumstances to dictate my energy.
It was one of fear, embarrassment, insecurity, pain and worry.
What I received in return was more fear, embarrassment, insecurity, pain and worry.
Of course I did, how could I not?
Today, I’m sending out a more practiced vibration.
It’s one of excitement, gratitude, passion and success.
Excitement, as Jan and I are heading to Thailand for 4 months.
Gratitude, because I’m so thankful for this opportunity.
Passion, for I believe this is a spiritual pilgrimage for me.
Success, because I am walking my walk, practicing what I preach.
My practice has become my reality.
But why now? And why not then?
And is there anything I learned that could help others from falling into that dark place?
Janet pointed out that my situation is better now, which helps.
Seems true, although looking back, I’m not so sure.
When the universe pulled the rug out from under me, even without the life changing money, I was earning a fantastic living. Far more than I’m making now.
And I could have continued doing the same.
Instead I permitted a negative occurrence to take me down the rabbit hole.
Maybe when it happened I felt like such a failure I wanted to suffer.
And suffer I did.
Has that ever happened to you?
Something goes wrong, and you allow it take over your life?
I know it seems so simplistic, but sitting here now, I totally believe I brought it on myself.
It was only one incident, but I gave it all my power.
And I wallowed in my misery.
The more I focused on my troubles, the more troubles the universe sent me.
I now have my power back.
Now when things go wrong, I give them no energy.
And I refocus on all I am grateful for.
It’s made all the difference.
Back then; my homelessness was a prison, now it’s my freedom.
Perhaps my practices can help you shift your focus as well.
Give it a try with my newest practice. I call it my eGPS because it will definitely get you where you want to go.
For one minute each, you practice holding the feeling of excitement, gratitude, passion and success.
You can do it by remembering a time you felt those feelings, or by imagining a future filled with them.
By sending out such positive energy, you’ll be certain to receive back more excitement, gratitude, passion and success.
Four minutes that can turn your whole life around.
It could be the best thing that ever happens to you.
Have a Wingman Weekend,
Michael, I’m so excited for you and Janet! This was a great post – it really shows how a single thought that consumes us can either make or break us. And how a change in perspective can turn a similar situation around 360 degrees. My prayers will be with you two and I will look forward to your posts from Thailand! HUGS!!
Thank you Colleen. It is amazing how often we allow ourselves to focus on a negative thought, and how easy it is to change it.
As for Jan and I, we’re both very excited, and appreciative, for this new chapter we’re moving into. I can’t wait to do some posting.
Talk soon, and have a wonderful new year,
Wow…what a great post…..glad you’re living your dream…. wishing you more surprises…. I don’t follow you regularly, but every time I do check in, it’s a joy….. enjoy!
Thanks Donna, So glad you checked in. I appreciate it.
Give some of my practices a try and you can live your dream also.