Monday night’s ‘Build Your Inner Team’ class on Manifesting had barely gotten under way. After a brief intro, we had just finished one of my wingman practices, a basic exercise where we say something positive over and over for exactly one minute. I do this to help raise the energy in the room.
I then asked my normal question, “how does that feel”, expecting the normal answers, “It feels great”, “Better”, and “More optimistic”. What I got instead, from a woman new to the group, was “It sounds like a cult”.
I had to admit she was right. It did sound like a cult, although I can assure you, I’m not David Koresh, this wasn’t the Branch Davidians, and we weren’t in Waco, Texas.
I’m just me, we were in Medford, NJ, and this was a class to help people feel better, attract more positive energy, and bring more health, love and abundance into their lives.
Still, if it walks like a duck…
And when I hear the word ‘cult’ I don’t think positive thoughts.
So I turned to my Merriam-Webster dictionary.
1. A small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous.
Hmmm. We’re certainly not a religious group. And we’re not dangerous.
2. A situation in which people admire and care about something or someone very much or too much.
Hmmm. We do care about being happier. Can you care about feeling good and bringing more positive energy into your life too much?
3. A small group of very devoted supporters or fans.
Bingo. We were most certainly a small group, very devoted to feeling better and attracting better health, relationships and wealth into our lives.
She had me, we’re a cult.
And when I think of a cult, I think of harmful, manipulative and dangerous groups. I decided to do what I do best.
I’d turn this into a positive.
I’d become a Cult Classic.
Like “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”, “The Big Lebowski” and “Pee Wee’s Big Adventure”.
“Be Your Own Wingman”, coming soon, to a location near you.
Get ready to thrive.
As a business client of mine often says, “You’re not in business until you can take a liability and turn it into an asset”.
Do you have a limitation or a perceived weakness going on in your life right now? Then now is the perfect time to practice turning it into a strength.
Give it a try, and become your own cult classic.
Have a classic weekend,